Javascript Course

This lesson shows how to chain object methods in JavaScript.
With the help of method chaining we can call more than one method or function of the object in a single instruction.


To can chain multiple methods, the previous method (method_1() ) must return the object instance (this).

class className {
 //here you can define the properties

 //JavaScript code

 return this; // returns the object instance

 //JavaScript instructions

- Here's an example, a JavaScript class that can calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle (see the comments in code and test it).
class Rectangle {
 this.a =0;
 this.b =0;

 //sets values for a and b
 setAB(a1, b1){
 this.a = a1;
 this.b = b1;

 return this; // returns the object instance

 // returns area
 return this.a * this.b;

 // returns perimeter
 return 2 * (this.a + this.b);

//creates an object instance of the class
var obR = new Rectangle();

//Set the values to get the area and perimeter
var area = obR.setAB(7, 8).area();
var perimeter = obR.setAB(7, 8).perimeter();

// test
document.write('Area = '+ area +'<br>Perimeter = '+ perimeter);

Chaining multiple methods

You can chain more than two methods, the technique is the same, the public methods (that can be accessed outside) must be defined with the this keyword, and all the previous methods must return the object instance.

- Here is an example that chains three methods. A JavaScript object used to define HTML tag with ID, CSS class, and content (study the code and test it yourself).
class setTag {
 //properties = ''; // id attribute
 this.cls = ''; // class attribute

 // sets id
 setId(id1){ = ' id="'+ id1 +'"';

 return this; // returns the object instance

 // seteaza class attribute
 this.cls =' class="'+ cls1 +'"';

 return this; // returns the object instance

 // returns the HTML and content
 getTagCnt(tag, cnt){
 return '<'+ tag + + this.cls +'>'+ cnt +'</'+ tag+ '>';

//creates an object instance of the class
var obTag = new setTag();

//variables with tag type and content
var tag = 'div';
var cnt = '';

//call methods chained to set ID, "class", and gets a <div> with those attributes
var getTag = obTag.setId('some_id').setClass('a_class').getTagCnt(tag, cnt);

// test
document.write(getTag); //<div id="some_id" class="a_class"></div>
The instruction that chains the methods in the code above:
var getTag = obTag.setId('some_id').setClass('a_class').getTagCnt(tag, cnt);
It is the same with this:
// sets ID and css class, then gets the HTML tag with content
var getTag = obTag.getTagCnt(tag, cnt);

Daily Test with Code Example

Which meta tag provides a short description of the page?
<meta content="..."> <meta description="..."> <meta http-equiv="...">
<meta name="description" content="70-160 characters that describes the content of the page" />
Which CSS property is used to stop the wrapping effect of the "float"?
clear text-align position
#some_id {
  clear: both;
Click on the method which gets an array with all the elements in the document that have a specified tag name.
getElementsByName() getElementById() getElementsByTagName()
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
var nr_divs = divs.length;
Indicate the PHP function which returns the number of elements in array.
is_[) count() strlen()
$arr =[7, 8, "abc", 10);
$nri = count($arr);
echo $nri;        // 4
Defining classes with Methods that can be chained

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