Javascript Course

The script presented in this page is a tool to calculate surface area, volume and other dimensions (radius, diagonal, center of gravity) of various uniform 3D objects: cube, barrel, cone, sphere, torus, cylinder, pyramid, parallelepiped, hexagonal prism, ...
This calculator shows also the mathematical formulas used to calculate the volume, area, and the other dimensions.

Calculate Volume and Area

JavaScript script to calculate volume and surface area.
Find volume, and area of various 3d objects.

Select an object

• To Download this script, click: Volume and Surface Area Calculator.

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag adds a new line into a paragraph?
<b> <br> <p>
First line ...<br>
Other line...
Which CSS property can be used to add space between letters?
text-size word-spacing letter-spacing
#id {
  letter-spacing: 2px;
What JavaScript function can be used to get access to HTML element with a specified ID?
getElementById() getElementsByTagName() createElement()
var elm = document.getElementById("theID");
var content = elm.innerHTML;
Click on the "echo" correct instruction.
echo "" echo ""; echo """;
echo "Address URL:";
Volume and Surface Area Calculator for 3D objects

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