Css Course

Using CSS background properties, you can set the background of the whole page or of a page element: DIV, paragraph, table, form, etc.


The background-color property is applied throughout the content area of the element and is drawn behind any background-image that is set.

- Values: - Syntax:
selector { background-color: value; }
#idd { background-color: #a2fda3; }

<h4>Example background-color</h4>
<div id='idd'>Web site: https://CoursesWeb.net</div>

The background color for the whole page can be defined in the body selector ( body {background-color:#e8e8fe;} ).


The background-image property s used to specify a background image for an element.
- Values: ' - Syntax:
selector { background-image:url('URL'); }
#idd { background-image: url('css/green_bg.jpg'); }

<h4>Example background-image</h4>
<div id='idd'>Free CSS course</div>


The background-repeat sets if/how a background image will be repeated. By default, a background-image is repeated both vertically and horizontally.
- Values: - Syntax:
selector { background-repeat: value; }
#idd {
 background-image: url('css/green_bg.jpg');
 background-repeat: no-repeat;

<h4>Example background-repeat</h4>
<div id='idd'>marplo.net</div>


The background-attachment defines how a background position is determined.
- Values: - Syntax:
selector { background-attachment: value; }
/* Fixed background image */
#idd {
 background-image: url('../imgs/smile_gift.png');
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-attachment: fixed;
 border:1px solid blue;

<h4>Example background-attachment</h4>
<div id='idd'>In the world of illusions.</div>


The background-position property specifies the position of the background image given as a set of two values: horizontal and then vertical.
- Values: - Syntax:
selector { background-position: value; }
#idd {
 background-image: url('../imgs/smile_gift.png');
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-position: center top;
 border:1px solid blue;

<h4>Example background-position</h4>
<div id='idd'>Anything seems important.</div>

Multiple values for background property

The background property allows to add individual background properties (background-color, background-image, background-repeat, background-attachment, background-position) in the same definition, separated by space.
- Syntax:
selector { background: bg_color bg_image bg_repet bg_attach bg_position; }
#idd {
background:#f8fbfe url('../imgs/smile_gift.png') 50% no-repeat;
border:1px solid blue;

<h4>Example background property with multiple values</h4>
<div id='idd'>But nothing matters.<br>
Have a good life.</div>
- When individual properties are left out of the background property, they are set to their default values.

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